Knowledge Institute Of Technology
Team size is 3
Written plan as per the format prescribed only(<2000 words)
Presentation (<15 slides)
1 printed copy & electronic file of plan in pdf format
Judging Criteria
Market need/gap (team must be aware of its strengths and weakness through internal and external analysis and look for market opportunities).
Company offerings (team must analyse its product and services from the viewpoint of the customer-outside in thinking. What is the customer looking for and what benefits does the customer want. The business must gain knowledge of the marketplace from its customer)
Target market (team should analyse its target markets).
Marketing strategies (the team should frame its marketing /sales tactics that will allow it to achieve or surpass its goals).
Unique selling proposition (what is unique about your product and why should anybody try using it?)
Competitive analysis (the team should know its competition, current and potential. By identifying the competitor’s strengths and weaknesses the business can improve its position in the marketplace)
Team, roles and responsibilities
Road Map (How the company will grow in the next 3 years)
Investment required initially and justification.